Speech and Language Support - Amber Caddy
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- Rockwood Area School District
- Quick and Easy Words for Articulation Practice
Below are lists of suggested words to use when practicing your child's sound at home. These words can be incorporated into a variety of the recommended articulation activities like playing tick tack toe, bingo, or even talking around the dinner table.
ballerina, bedtime, beehive, berries, birthday, bath, boat, bottle, bed, beard, bee, bunny, busy, butter, button, boy, banana, bus, buffalo, bear, bird, bulldozer, butterfly, bike, balloon
cowboy, robot, ladybug, baby, peek-a-boo, cheeseburger, strawberries, log cabin, neighbors
crab, cub, web, taxi cab, door knob, crib, job, ice cube, tube, grab, wardrobe
chain, chair, chase, check, cheer, cheese, chess, chest, chew, chick, chief, child, chin, chimpanzee, checkers, cheetah, cheesecake, cherries, chicken, children, chimney, chipmunk, chopsticks, cheerleader, cheeseburger, chewing gum, chocolate, chili, cherry pie, church, cheery, channel
beach ball, catcher, crutches, hatchet, hatching, highchair, inches, ketchup, key chain, lunch box, marching, matches, woodchuck, touchdown, archery, itching, signature, peaches, picture, pitcher, poncho, teacher, vulture, reaching, witches, stretcher, furniture
bench, beach, branch, bunch, catch, coach, couch, ditch, hatch, march, match, lunch, crutch, fetch, peach, pitch, scratch, sketch, touch, teach, watch, witch, hopscotch, sandwich, switch, stretch, spinach, munch, ouch
dancer, deer, desk, dishes, dog, doll, door, duck, dentist, desert, donkey, doctor, dover, dinner, daisy, dolphin, doghouse, downhill
hot dog, ladder, lady, radish, reading, shadow, wedding, cheerleader, radio, rodeo, kindergarten, bulldozer, spider, headache, body, feeding, daddy, buddy
bride, food, hand, bed, mud, parade, mermaid, sled, sand, wood, good, lemonade, ride
face, fan, farm, fawn, feed, feet, fence, film, phone, fox, fur, fudge, fabric, fingers, fiddle, fire, fish, five, food, four, fork, foot, forest, fever, fireworks, football, feather, fell, fist, fireman, fussy
elephant, infant, telephone, laughing, waffle, office, taffy, headphones, campfire, coffee, dolphin, buffalo, golfer, alphabet, muffin, sofa, trophy, traffic, snowfall, rainfall, lifeguard
calf, cough, elf, loaf, leaf, thief, roof, laugh, giraffe, wolf, sheriff, safe, hoof, chef, knife, photograph
goat, gate, gift, gold, gum, game, girl, ghost, goose, gorilla, guitar, garbage, guppy, golfer, guest, goodbye, garden, gallop, gas, garlic, Goldilocks, garage
dragon, hamburger, luggage, jogging, cougar, juggling, tiger, chewing gum, kangaroo, spaghetti, igloo, magazines, tugboat, sea gull, alligator, pigpen
frog, bug, leg, dog, hug, log, slug, hot dog, bulldog, pig, rug, flag, egg, mug, fig, bag, wig, jug
hall, ham, hand, hard, house, heart, hammer, hat, hippo, hive, hen, him, hop, hug, head, hike, hill, hair, home, hurt, have
groundhog, beehive, lighthouse, birdhouse, grasshopper, hula hoop, seahorse, uphill, forehead, doll house, doghouse
jam, jeans, jug, joey, jacket, jet, jump, jungle, juice, jar, jewelry, jump rope, jellyfish, jeep, jaguar, job, joke, joy, journal, juggle
badger, cages, magic, edges, agent, high jump, pages, object, soldier, subject, pigeon, imagine, vegetables, apologize, imagine
stage, fudge, cage, bridge, edge, age, huge, judge, page, cabbage, college, garbage, language, package, postage, sausage
can, key, car, comb, cat, cow, kids, corn, candy, kangaroo, cowgirl, carrots, computer, caterpillar, kitchen, kite, coach, king
chicken, raccoon, bacon, pumpkin, rocket, peacock, bakery, helicopter, vacation, apricot, turkey, raincoat, pelican, bicycle, rocking, accordion, sneaker
sock, snack, walk, stick, truck, block, snake, steak, snowflake, magic, fabric, haystack, milk, lake, rake, hammock, toothache, creek, back, book, cake, chick, duck, hike, sick, lock
lake, lamb, lamp, laugh, lawn, leaf, leak, legs, limb, lime, lips, list, loaf, log, long, lunch, ladder, lasso, laundry, lazy, lemon, leopard, letter, lettuce, lighthouse, lifeguard, lion, lipstick, lizard, llama, lobster, lotion, lightning, ladybug, lemonade, living room
balloon, bowling, collar, dollar, elbow, eyelashes, jelly, necklace, pillow, pilot, ruler, sailboat, sailor, salad, silly, smiling, stroller, tulip, alligator, ambulance, ballerina, binoculars, buffalo, caterpillar, elephant, eleven, gorilla, Halloween, helicopter, jelly beans, juggler, marshmallow, skeleton, telephone, television, umbrella, valentine, violin, walrus, calendar, celery
ball, bell, bowl, bull, doll, eel, heel, mail, mule, nail, owl, pool, seal, snail, stool, whale, anthill, baseball, camel, football, muscle, pencil, snowfall, towel, wheel, basketball, snowmobile, pigtail, eggshell, cartwheel
blanket, blocks, blue, blink, blank, blackberry, blood, blurry, blush, problem, tablet, cobbler, goblin, rollerblade
clothing, cloud, clock, clap, cloud, clam, club, close, clarinet, classroom, clothespin, clover, necklace, eclipse, include, paperclip, recliner
glad, globe, glass, glow, glove, glitter, glue, glass, glider, glasses, sunglasses, piglet, burglar, igloo, hourglass
float, flip, flop, flag, flat, floor, flower, floss, fly, flat, flute, flashlight, flood, flippers, butterfly, cauliflower, reflection, sunflowers, dragonfly
plane, plant, plow, place, plot, planet, plank, plus, play, please, plum, pliers, playground, plumber, plug, multiply, appliances, dumplings, explore, apply
slip, slide, sling, sled, slap, slim, sleep, sleeve, slow, slug, slippers, slime, slice, sloth, bracelet, coleslaw, translate, mudslide, parsley
mouse, milk, mail, mop, math, mess, moon, man, match, mitt, mad, make, March, mask, math, May, meet, mice, mom, month, moose, moon, mouth
plumber, summer, timer, woman, lemon, hammer, swimming, drummer, number, chimney, family, camera, tomato, hamburger, animal, dreaming
clam, aim, game, comb, ram, home, time, lamb, lime, climb, cream, dime, dream, gym, hum, room, scream, name, team, thumb
nap, nest, necklace, neck, need, knife, knock, know, knee, nurse, nail, name, near, note, nose, not, neck, new, need, night, nice, nine
planet, many, dinner, pony, any, canoe, banana, sunglasses, dinosaur, rainbow, bunny, peanut, doughnut, canary, pineapple, animal
brown, cone, fun, down, train, green, spoon, bun, can, chain, chin, lawn, sun, plane, moon, phone, run, skin, gone
pencil, pelican, party, pig, pals, pickles, penguin, penny, pony, parrot, parachute, pizza, pirate, pet, pigtail, peach, painter, pearls, picnic, puddle, piano, polar bear, poodle, pyramid, parade, pie, pants
leopard, diaper, hippo, apple, teepee, wallpaper, grasshopper, zipper, mopping, octopus, napping, soapy, dripping, teapot, typewriter, zookeeper
jeep, lamp, mop, ape, soup, tulip, ship, tape, sheep, asleep, jump rope, envelope, hula hoop, shop, ketchup, bus stop
raft, ram, rain, rash, rat, read, road, robe, rope, rose, rug, ring, wreath, wrench, roof, race, rock rabbit, raccoon, radish, rainbow, wrist, rattle, raincoat, robin, ribbon, robot, rocket, rhino, radio, rattlesnake, relatives, rake, round, roots, ruffles, raisins, rectangle, rip, reach, rules, roll, resting
airplane, arm, bird, carrots, earrings, cherries, giraffe iron, horse, lizard, marbles, fairy, fork, pirate, purse, scissors, shirt, sheriff, squirrel, camera, parachute, wheelbarrow, turkey, furniture, turtle, celery, gorilla, pyramid, kangaroo, walrus, party, worm, nurse, clarinet, park, orange, syrup, parade, zero, ballerina, corn, flowers, beard, butterfly, barn, macaroni
bear, car, chair, deer, door, ear, fire, floor, four, hair, jar, pear, square, star, tear, tire, alligator, beaver, baker, dinosaur, doctor, dollar, farmer, father, feather, flower, guitar, hammer, juggler, ladder, letter, lobster, mother, newspaper, painter, panther, shower, spider, sugar, sweater, teacher, tiger, tractor, vampire, zipper, rooster, shoulder
bread, broom, bridge, brick, brow, braid, break, breeze, bride, bring, brick, brother, broken, eyebrow, zebra
crayon, crab, cry, crane, craft, crate, cream, crumb, Chris, crow, crown, microphone, secret, scarecrow
draw, drum, drill, dragon, drive, drape, drag, dream, dreary, dry, drop, drove, drool, address, children, gumdrop, raindrop
fries, frog, frame, friends, France, fresh, freeze, free, fry, Friday, fruit, freckles, afraid
grapes, grass, groundhog, groceries, grill, girl, great, grade, grip, growl, grandpa, angry, hungry, photograph
prince, present, pretzel, printer, prize, practice, protect, price, apricot, footprint
sale, salt, sand, saw, seal, sew, sick, sign sing, sit, soap, sock, soup, circle, sun, saddle, sailboat, sandal, sandwich, sea gull, seashell, seat belt, seven, sewing, sofa, softball, subtract, surfer, syrup, celery, cereal, safety pin, Santa, seventeen, sunflower, city, saving, signal, submarine
baseball, bracelet, castle, dancer, fussy, glasses, icing, possum, bathing suit, whistle, babysitter, bicycle, dinosaur, gasoline, grasshopper, popsicle, medicine, recipe, tricycle, motorcycle, eraser, braces, groceries, eyesight, insect, kissing, lasso, messy, muscle, outside, pencil
boss, box, bus, chess, class, dice, dress, face, fence, fox, goose, grass, horse, house, ice, kiss, lace, moose, mouse, nurse, price, race, rice, vase, us, yes, address, birdhouse, cactus, fireplace, lettuce, necklace, octopus, office, bookcase, purse, mice, geese, mattress, shoelace, thermos, waitress, walrus, doghouse, erase
skunk, skirt, skeleton, skateboard, scarecrow, skates, school bus, scarf, skin, scoop, sketch, skip
slippers, sling, sleeping, slide, slug, sled, sleeve, slip, sloth, sleigh, slime, slouch, slice
smile, smell, smoke, smash, small, smokestack, smart, smart, smirk, smooch, smack, smooth
snail, sneeze, snake, snore, snow, sneakers, snuggle, snowmobile, snowman, snapdragon, snicker
spider, spoon, spool, spaghetti, sports car, spaceman, spill, spooky, speaker, speed, speak, spin
stairs, stamp, star stop, student, stove, storm, stork, store, story, sticky, steps, steak
sweater, swing, sweep, swim, swan, sweatpants, sweet, swimsuit, swing, swallow, switch, sweat
chef, shoe, shapes, sheep, ship, shirt, shells, shut, short, show, shot, shrimp, shy, shop, shadow, shampoo, shamrock, sharing, shaving, sheepdog, sherbet, sheriff, shoelace, shoulder, shovel, shower, sugar
invitation, celebration, nutshell, washcloth, usher, workshop, gas station, bushes, cashier, dishes, fishing, flashlight, fractions, horseshoe, lotion, milkshake, mushroom, ocean, pushing, slingshot, windshield, toothbrushes, directions, addition, sunshine, tissues, eyelashes, marshmallows
brush, cash, dish, fish, leash, push, rash, splash, squash, trash, wash, wish, goldfish, hairbrush, mustache, mouthwash, eyelash, paintbrush, starfish, toothbrush, radish, finish, ticklish, nail polish
teeth, tie, tire, toad, toast, toys, two, teacher, teepee, tiger, teenager, telephone, turkey, taco, toothbrush, toolbox, toes, team, talking, tossing, towing, towel, tourist, taxicab, turtle
button, cheetah, guitar, kitten, photos, skater, sweater, mittens, waiter, anteater, butterfly, computer, litter, potato, peanut butter, daughter, rattlesnake
ant, bat, boat, boot, cat, coat, fruit, goat, hat, bracelet, astronaut, parrot, robot, parachute, flashlight, chocolate, doughnut, newt
thorn, thin, three, thimble, thumb, thunder, thick, thigh, thousand, thief, third, think, thank you, Thanksgiving, thirsty, thermos, thirteen, thirty, thermometer, theater
bathtub, earthworm, athlete, bathrobe, toothache, toothbrush, panther, python, toothpaste, birthday, marathon, toothless, feather, father, mother, weather, bathing suit, together, brothers, clothing, grandfather, grandmother
bath, broth, cloth, earth, fifth, math, mouth, teeth, tooth, sloth, wreath, youth, birdbath, moth, locksmith, north, path, strength, booth, month, south
van, vase, vault, vest, vet, vine, vote, vacuum, valley, vampire, village, vowels, vulture, valentine, visor, visit, video, vinegar, violets, violin, visitor, volcano, volleyball, vegetables
Beaver, clover, driveway, ivy, seven, shaving, carnival, envelope, screwdriver, seventy, Thanksgiving, truck driver, traveler, beverage, heavy
cave, dove, glove, beehive, olive, sleeve, five, love, locomotive, brave, drive, give, save, stove, wave, above, shave, move
worm, wait, walk, wild, wall, world, want, wings, warm, was, wash, words, wolf, watch, we, wear, web, weeds, weed, wide, wife, wind, wish, work, wipe, waist, wait, warm, wall, wave, wax, water, whale, white, win, waffles, winter, weather, window
yard, yarn, year, yellow, yell, young, your, yesterday, yes, yawn, yam, yummy, yolk, yardstick, yogurt, yoga, unicorn, unicycle
kayak, lawyer, yo-yo, New York, royal, lanyard, layer, mayor
zoo, zebra, zero, zigzag, zip code, zipper, zoom, xylophone, Zach, zebra fish, zeppelin, zinnia, zombie, zoologist, zucchini
bulldozer, magazine, music, newspaper, physician, poison ivy, television, blizzard, cheesecake, closet, cousin, daisy, desert, dozen, dessert, gazelle, lizard, pretzel, newspaper, noisy, puzzle, scissors, wizard
beads, bears, bees, boys, bugs, cheese, dogs, eggs, jeans, keys, kids, legs, nose, paws, peas, prize, rose, sneeze, animals, apples, babies, bananas, cookies, dinosaurs, fingers, flowers, sandals, pigs, sneakers, tomatoes